Monday, May 2, 2011

moved in

moved in today into new salon. Went from the last year and a half of being on commission to renting and being self employed. It wasn't bad being employed, I'm just not good at it.  I am stubborn and like to do things my way.......which I am sure for some, would be a nightmare.  We can only do things the way we feel comfortable.
My new Salon is an old Victorian house downtown. It's a great space and very comfortable. l think it's going to work for quite a while. Sometimes working with too many people gets too distracting from what our main objective is.  It's amazing in the salon business how much drama there is. If it isn't the client bringing it in, it's a coworker.  There is nothing worse than the boss bringing it in and I have to say, my last employer was quite easy that way. He was quite subdued and sometimes too unaware of what was going on.  In total, a disappointment.   It could have been a decent job but something was very dysfunctional about it.
So the new place is my own business my way and be in control of almost every aspect. Works better for me,.....tomorrow is first day. Will be back to share that one....

first day

So today is the first day of blogging.  I have wanted to share secrets of my profession for years.  It's so easy to be successful and have fun making a living doing hair. I have been in this industry for almost 30 years and have had a blast as a stylist, educator and owner. It's all about customer service.  More to follow......